29 April 2009

Does Form Follow Function?

It was originally said in my critical essay on design principles that form and function should be considered together at the design stage and I still agree with this. When looking into the world of design there is mixed views as to whether form should follow function, but just like with ockhams razor there should be a balance. Achieving the correct balance depends on the type of market you are aiming at. For instance if your designing for the military function will be the main focus in the design, as the equipment has to meet high standards of reliability and undergo extreme abuse.

In the civilian markets form and function need to considered equally when in the designing stage, this I feel is key to a products success. To prove my point look at the following images and decide, which would you prefer to buy?

These two 4x4 Mercedes both have the same functions but the M-class (left) has been designed with form being taken into consideration more than it has been when designing the G-class (right). An example of the opposite where form is considered after the function can been seen in motor racing.

These pictures show two high powered cars with one design focusing on function. In the world of F1 and motor racing the main focus is on the performance of the car with each team needing the best functioning parts. The form of the car in this case is not considered till after function, because if considered first the performance could be compromised.

Design therefore does not have to be dictated by form following function in every design scenario, but it depends on the product as to what ratio you use of each. This is why when I read a design brief I now make the decision on whether to put form before or after function. In most cases the more complex the products workings are, the more the form follows function. To conclude the following show examples of work and the decisions I made.

This project was aimed at providing a new ornament for Crofts and Assinder to add to there garden range, for this brief I decided to focus on its form as the product was ornamental/decorative.

This brief required a new design for a humane mammal trapping device, so the main focus I decide was on function as it was more important in this case.

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